Sky Princess Ship Tour

Sky Princess Ship Tour

Yes, yet another Sky Princess Cruise ship tour, because that’s what the world needs, another ship tour!

Ok, so we probably have nothing to add to other ship tours already posted on YouTube. The other videos were undoubtedly filmed by more experienced YouTubers than us and, yes, we only filmed the video on a phone so the video and audio at times are poor at times, sorry!

We did however have fun making the video and hope it is of use to someone, anyone!

Our Sky Princess ship tour video…

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Perhaps our view of Sky Princess is refreshingly honest and quite laid back compared to the fast pace of some others we have seen that rush around the ship, we didn’t really do that, we took our time to show you the areas we visited.

We also didn’t go everywhere, there are other tours that do that. We concentrated on the main areas, hopefully taking you round without rushing you, but without taking too long either. As I said we are new to this vlogging stuff, we are getting better every time we make a video but you only learn at the edit stage exactly what you have, and what you forgot to video!

Do we need to review the Sky Princess on our blog (in text)?

Honestly, not really, no amount of text will ever do her justice and we would be writing forever.

She is a beautiful ship and the best way to see her, apart from in person, is by trawling through the many, many YouTube videos. Knock yourself out!

Perhaps what you can never see is just how friendly the staff were and the captain, Captain Tuvo, made our journey even more fun with his fun announcements. Sky Princess is a big ship, but you feel like to are getting the personal attention you would on a much smaller vessel, it is very special.

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We have a small, but growing number of YouTube videos, this is just one of them.

If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment after you watch it and of course, It’s always free to subscribe to our Youtube channel. This spurs us on, creating more content to share with the world!

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